Feline Hyperthyroidism
A 10 year old neutered male Domestic Shorthair cat was referred to Animal Imaging for a thyroid scintigraphy and radiographs prior to radioactive iodine therapy.
Veterinary Radiology Specialists
A 10 year old neutered male Domestic Shorthair cat was referred to Animal Imaging for a thyroid scintigraphy and radiographs prior to radioactive iodine therapy.
A two year old Quarter Horse mare was referred to Animal Imaging for a back-half bone scan.
An eight year-old Quarter Horse gelding used for reined cow horse work, was referred to Animal Imaging for a 3T MRI of the left hind distal limb.
A 4-month-old female Pit Bull was referred to Animal Imaging for a (TSPS) to determine if the patient had a portosystemic shunt.
A nine year old, neutered male, labrador retriever with a history of 15 pound weight loss and intermittent GI upset was referred to Animal Imaging.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is the imaging modality of choice in small animal cases with vestibular disease, seizures or other neurologic disease localized to the brain.
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